A business simulation game is a hands-on learning activity that teaches students to learn by doing, rather than learning through passive listening to lectures.
We all know that this method of teaching is fully engaging for an entrepreneurial student. A good business simulation allows the users to learn through practice and repetition, in an exciting way!
Simulations teach students a wide range of entrepreneurship strategies through life-like, hands-on experiences. “Aha moments” really come to life in simulation games. These discoveries and skill building moments are very important for real-world success.
Startup Wars, the most creative leaders in customized simulations, share some fabulous tips on how students can be successful learners within their classroom simulation games.
Tips To Win The Simulations
Within a simulation game, major discoveries are born. A student discovers their strengths and their weaknesses. They may discover a place in which they truly live.
There are some valuable business strategy game tips that a student can follow to raise their game stakes – to help them feel as successful as possible within their classroom simulation activity.
There are many simulation based learning examples that you can experience in the classroom. Some examples of simulation games include: Run your own business game, Business strategy simulation for Startups, Financing your new Product, and more. The possibilities are endless, and Startup Wars has many incredible options available.
Some Simulation Tips:
1. Understand the simulation: As a simulation user, you must understand how to play the game, and also aim to learn how to win the game. Every simulation can have its own goals, so the first thing to do is understand the goals for the simulation.
2. Develop a simulation strategy: Like in all games (and in life!), you must have a clear strategy in mind. Without a strategy, you will most likely not succeed. No one wants to win from just luck. Having a specific strategy for a simulation will help you avoid significant setbacks in the future.
There are three general forms of strategies that you can try. These include:
- Be Conservative: The conservative student decides to go for the safest and cheapest approach, Student will not hire any employee and try to complete the goals with only the founder. Risk is never deploying the product because the company runs out of time, this means reaching the 90 days mark.
- Stay Balanced: There is a balanced strategy approach in a small business game simulation where the students decide to hire 2 or 3 employees. The risk is to run out of money. If the hiring happens too early in the game, or if the work is not assigned in the right order, it is possible that the product won’t be ready on time to reach reliability during the 90 days.
- Be Aggressive: Lastly, there is the straight forward aggressive strategy. In this strategy, you work with several employees, a large office, and complete all the goals as a team by dividing and conquering.
3. Look Outside The Box: When performing in simulation games, you really must think about the bigger picture. When going through a simulation, you don’t want to just hone in on only one small detail. Details are important, of course, but it is far more wise to look at the whole picture – the whole idea. This is important because it will allow you to take a step back and realize what is really important, so that you can succeed.
4. Trial and Error: Simulation students need to be ready to pivot. The reality of simulations (and business) is that you are always going to have hiccups and little failures along the way. When that happens, it’s a wonderful opportunity for you to be ready to problem-solve and pivot to another direction. Trial and error is key in simulations, just like in the real-world.
5. Get Your Head In The Game: Fully immerse yourself in the strategic simulations games. The more you allow your mind to get out of the classroom and into the world of the simulation game, the more that you’ll learn. Fully transport yourself to the task at hand – believe it – and watch yourself learn new skills through the act of doing.
6. Competition Isn’t Important: In a simulation game, there are no real winners or losers. Don’t let the idea of competition get in the way of the game. Sure, watch your fellow students. Learn from your fellow students/competitors, and focus on doing your own personal best.
7. Simulation Feedback: There is nothing quite as valuable as a period of feedback and discussion after a simulation. Listen carefully to others ideas and perspectives – learn from the experience!
Keep In Mind – The Plus Side
Students who role-play in simulation games have the opportunity to try out ideas of their own, and to build critical thinking skills through practical learning opportunities. These skills will help them to be the future developers and founders of tomorrow.
Business simulations give students a wonderful opportunity to build strategies for success while actively learning how to become investors, business leaders and employees.
Students grow as they play – learning how to deal with the specific complexities of negotiating, financing, staffing, communication and relationships through real life scenarios.
Students safely learn to be risk takers while playing simulation business games, which helps them to make critical decisions in business – which is hugely important. Simulation skills can and do affect their opportunity for long-term success.
In addition to this, startup simulation students become beautifully prepared for their future business roles, through team building, exploitative ventures and more.
Engaged learning at its finest!