assessment through a Startup Simulation

Startup simulations have been proven to provide a top-notch education through the use of hands-on practice and experiential discovery. 

Simulations give a startup student a life-like opportunity to learn the ins-and-outs of running a business on their own, with a focus on lessons in action. 

Students find that they are more deeply engaged in a class when they are learning through simulation exercises. 

Clearly, the benefits of experiencing a lesson activity first-hand, rather than simply listening to a lecture, can not be beat. 

But, how can a professor run an evaluation of student performance while teaching through simulations?

How Can A Simulation Assess Students?

Simulation assessment is not only necessary, it is one of the best strategies for effective transfer of learning.

So, what is a simulation test assessment?

A simulation assessment is an assessment that is used to test how a student might react to situations that they may encounter in real life. It tests how a startup student might solve a specific problem. During these tests, a student’s critical thinking ability is tested. 

How to assess student progress: When utilizing simulations, professors can assess a student’s general skill through student performance evaluation, based on performance and application of learning. 

Traditional assessments often test skills and learning through an assessment of memorization and application of concepts. This re-hashing of facts does not give the professor an opportunity to truly see how the learned concepts can be applied in real-life situations by their students. 

A simulation assessment goes beyond traditional testing methods. They give a startup student the opportunity to analyze a situation that reflects a real-life example. Students are able to allow a wide range of skills to be assessed by simulations, rather than just a memorization of concepts.

Simulation assessment best practices include:

  • Providing a safe environment with a focus on student learning
  • Creating scenarios where students actively solve problems
  • Measuring student improvement over a period of time
  • Motivating students to study and learn through engagement
  • Evaluating the student response to simulations
  • Building a students’ collaborative skills with their fellow students
  • Preparing students for a variety of possible outcomes

In a university setting, simulation assessment examples have long included simulated patients for medical students, mock trials for legal students, and mock negotiations for business students. 

Startup students that are learning to become future entrepreneurs can learn the needed skills to effectively run their own businesses – like those provided by Startup Wars

Professors can test their negotiation skills, pitch skills, forecasting ability, critical thinking skills, financial planning skills, and assess their ability to adapt in specific business situations. 

Much like learning on the job – it’s invaluable. 

Why Is A Simulation Assessment Better? 

Traditional assessments often involve written projects and multiple-choice assessments. Because this does not truly set a student up for real life situations, these types of outdated tests are becoming more and more unpopular as a way to assess students’ learning. 

Simulation testing assesses students in a way that traditional tests can’t. This is due to the fact that simulation assessments are performance-based. This method of measuring learning allows the students to take an assessment in a safe environment that gives them a more realistic view on their learning.

Students say that they prefer alternatives to standardized testing. They are more relaxed about the idea of testing in test simulation, and feel they are getting a better feel for identifying their strengths and weaknesses – while actively engaged.

What Are The Benefits of Simulations For Assessment?

There are several key benefits for using game-based simulations for assessment. 

These incredible benefits include:

  • Real-world knowledge is gained
  • Opportunity for practical application through learning
  • Ability to receive instant feedback for students to know how well they did
  • Students can integrate knowledge and learn to handle real-world situations
  • Students can turn knowledge into hands-on practice
  • Top ways to improve student achievement and progress 
  • Professor and student satisfaction and excitement

Also very important: This skill measuring method also allows for a level playing field, giving students of all abilities a chance to compete and learn fairly. It provides opportunities to all students. 

Students and professors say that they enjoy the “virtual reality” feel of student evaluation through the use of simulation assessment. They find the benefits of assessing skill through simulations are truly rewarding – through proper preparation, unique interaction, and debriefing and discussion afterwards and during. 

Simulation assessment allows for an exciting learning environment. 

Assessing Student Performance Through A Startup Simulation

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Charlotte Kane
Charlotte Kane Undergraduate Student, The Ohio State University

Startup Wars allowed me to understand everything that goes into starting a business in 90 days.

Darshita Bajoria
Darshita Bajoria Undergraduate Student, The Ohio State University

Startup Wars is an interactive way to learn and hone entrepreneurial skills while being a no-risk outlet. Great tool for those pursuing entrepreneurship.